introduction final: what do i seek to drive towards?

Obviously after reading such a quite long introduction, one inquisitive mind will be what is the center of my message?

Written by: Lord Fiifi Sampson

9/14/20242 min read

What do I seek to drive in this article? Obviously after reading such a quite long introduction, one inquisitive mind will be what is the center of my message? Is it just those moral or religion rhetoric? But it is that rhetoric of “moral” or religion persuasion, I seek to wash here in understanding why African is poor. The crux of atheism or secularism has been to make the existence of things which are believed to be truth as non-existence or irrelevant and that has been the case of morality and religion.

In this world there are many things that happens around us that cannot be explained nor proven but does it mean that those things are non-existence? Despite the prowess and constant scientific researches, there are many things in the universe that cannot be explained neither could its genesis be told like the black holes, mans plan events but strange and uncontrollable circumstances come to disrupt, there are sickness which many die of, which the root cause nor medicine could cure.

If those things cannot be explained nor proven but yet it is obvious to us that they exist, why should such belief not factor in the discussion of any speculative question pertaining it? Over the years that has been the deception of atheism or secularism which is to regulate morality or religion is primarily based on belief to the corner of personal view. The half truth is that belief in some things does not always justify its existence and to avoid confusion in respect of conflicting beliefs, decision ought to be taken objectively.

The falsehood or the truth which is intentionally retracted is that belief may be founded or a belief in a thing may be the truth which is obvious to all. The fact that we do not have control over all events and circumstance occurring in this world like the guarantee and the certainty of the future, death and life, sickness, accidents, disasters, diseases, means there is something beyond the capabilities of man. This is obvious to all mankind though we cannot explained nor prove thereof. One thing is clear that the truth explained or unexplained, proven or unproven is obvious to all.

This is what I seek to drive towards in this article, we cannot be oblivious of those “unknown facts” in interrogating why African is poor. We cannot be oblivious of those facts which has grounded the foundation for development in the west which has been standard for all. We cannot be oblivious of those facts which has inspired the countries on the pace of development.

It is certain and obvious that godly values or moral plays a major role in their development. In here, is to unwrap the whole truth which is grounded on the Bible that is wherein the fates and the mystery of this world is explained which in the reality is obvious to all and it is in the light of which the reason why African is poor is made obvious.