Agence panafricaine pour le développement et l’intégration (APDI)
Discovering Biblical Truth for the Construction of a prosperous African nations
A nation is not built on images of ideas, principles or plans. Building a nation has no resemblance to building construction which is based on architecture design and planning.
Written by: Lord Fiifi Sampson
1/16/20255 min read

A nation is not built on images of ideas, principles or plans. Building a nation has no resemblance to building construction which is based on architecture design and planning. Nation building moves far beyond theoretical principles as the leaders of the world today have made most people believe.
At the heart of a nation, it is not just about man and his interaction with nature. It involves a deeper understanding of who man is, what is the destiny of man, what are those events that have adverse impacts on man’s activities but cannot be discovered by naked eyes nor be seen or touched. The only authentic and reliable source of information to understand those issues underlined is none other than the bible.
There has in fact been no human book or research discovery that has impacted a nation’s history other than the Bible. The prominent presidents of the United State of America, the world’s most successful country in terms of economic development, categorically attribute the bible to its success. George Washington once said, “it is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.”
Abraham Lincoln also said “In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Saviour gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong.
All things most desirable for man’s welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it.” Europe, the continent which has exercised tremendous influence on other nations cannot be separated from the discourse of the Bible. Although their leaders nowadays try at all costs to discount the veracity of the Bible and its impact on the success of their nations, their traditions and historical monuments expose them.
There is no developed country in the world today that can tell its successful story without any attribution to the contents of the Bible. The Bible is not just a book of tales and stories or a book of faith. It is the truth, and it holds the destiny of mankind.
It has had a truly remarkable history. Over the last 3500 years, it has not only been the most loved but also the most hated book in existence.
[Yet] No book has ever suffered the persistent opposition that the Bible has; Roman emperors issued edicts ordering its annihilation. Untold thousands of Bibles have been burned and countless Christians have been executed for possessing a copy of it[1]. All mankind irrespective of their belief, belief in the existence of God or not, comes to terms with some contents of the Bible which are evident to all; issues of morality.
Nonetheless, the bone of contention has always laid on unseen facts discounted by the Bible. If the Bible is the truth, which it is, we cannot discount those unseen facts and embrace only the seen facts on the basis that the unseen facts are matters of beliefs or religious fanatics, where there is evidence that the unseen facts have had enormous impacts on mankind’s history.
What do I mean by unseen facts? We cannot discount the fact there is a God and Supreme being who has a say in every nation’s destiny.
Africa has been an unfortunate continent. Because we have never been told the truth. The orientation of the continent has been run on fable doctrine of separation of religion and politics, where there is evidence abound that the two cannot and has never been separated in human history.
In fact, those who have been close to the governance system would tell you that matters of spiritual or religion play a greater role than those western doctrines of developments. Why is it so? Humans do not do anything for nothing. What influences their actions, these are questions those passionate for the development of the continent must interrogate.
In these writings, I espoused a biblical truth which has been denied and has hurt the nation so much in terms of development. It is the distortion of the divine classes by corruptible souls within the African continent. These divine classes were assigned by nature to ensure a functional society:
1. The Visionary Class: A class assigned by divine nature to invent through vision, motivate people towards the vision, and lead.
2. The Managerial Class: A class tasked with managing the products invented by the visionaries, as well as directing and instructing people internally to achieve the vision.
3. The Labour Force: A class designed to realize the vision through work and skill, while also attracting more people to contribute to the development of the vision.
Each class has unique talents and abilities, and each is indispensable for the harmonious functioning of society. One cannot occupy a position divinely reserved for another without causing dysfunction and destruction to the societal whole.
This system of classes, though challenging to name accurately, is easily identifiable throughout all organisational structures whether at the national level, or lower level; at work.
I called these classes divine in that the uniqueness of each human talents or abilities harbours in the inner spirit. It is not based on the position wherein they are placed. For this reason, I differ with those who hold the view that leaders are not born but made.
Leadership is a spirit in man, and it is not based on the position one occupies. If it were to be the contrary, every “positional” leader would have succeeded, and the world would be spared from the noise and chaos of democracy, autocracy or whatever form of system of government it may be called.
Not everyone is a leader and because leadership is a spirit, the manifestation of that spirit in those who harbour it has left the world with indelible marks of great figures who get the chance to hold “leadership” positions.
But because leadership is a spirit and cannot be seen and the world is not willing to accept unseen facts, the position of man in organisational structure has been marked with tension and disorder.
In the African context, organisational structure, I can say contributes largely to its poverty. Why do we find Africans individually thriving in other continents but when it comes to joining forces to work for a course, there is a problem? The simple truth is that we do not accept these divine classes.
You see in every African nation, and by African the emphasis is on black or sub-Saharan African nations, there is always tension surrounding organisation structure.
As you will find later in a chapter wholly devoted to this topic, you see the divine class was strategically and tactically distorted by the colonial powers to place what I call stooges at the leadership position to ensure the continued satisfaction of their parochial interest.
On the other hand, you will find the distortion of the divine class through our own greed and personal interest under the disguise of corruption, nepotism, ethnocentrism etc. The overall effect is that wrong people lead, wrong people at the managerial class and wrong people at the labour class.
The head which is supposed to work as the head is used to walk and the leg that is supposed to be used to walk is used as the head.
Such a mess. The continent is all in chaos and the breeding cause is atheistic doctrine like democracy which has promoted such wrong people in the wrong class through their money, influence and much worse the ignorance of the masses.
What you get is visionless leaders leading a group of people with a high expectation which turns down flat in the course of time leaving them with no other option than to fly to other continents for livelihood on an illusion that the African continent is a curse one.
[ Conner, The Foundations of Christian Doctrine.